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One More Step and You Will Be 10 Times Favored By God in Wealth, Health & Health

We’re not God but we know the language God loves to speak; Goodness and Mercy.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8 “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

Right now, you have a unique opportunity to help us change the world and our country by sharing the GOD’s word and delivering prayers to struglging people in need.

Receive God's Abundant Favor and Love❤️

For the cost of a cup of coffee, you could help deliver God’s word to 192 souls each year. A coffee satisfies for an hour, but this gift plants seeds of faith that last for eternity.

  • Reach 192 people around the US every year to change lives, spread hope, faith, and God’s love across the nation.
  • Support a divine mission that helps transform lives by bringing God’s word to those who need it most.
  • Choose Eternal blessings that transcend worldly affairs and invite God’s infinite mercy into your life.
  • Your generosity helps men and women who are seeking transformation discover Motherly Prayers program, which is designed to spread God’s word around the world, giving people hope and power.

Just $3/mo

Help spread the God's word and Love ❤️

    For a one-time gift of $27, you’re not just contributing, you’re creating 3x the impact.❤️

  • Share God’s word with over 479 people around the US every year and change lives

  • Your generosity helps men and women who are seeking transformation discover Motherly Prayers program, which is designed to spread God’s word around the world, giving people hope and power.

Just $27/mo

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